Dr. 玛丽沼泽

主任,博士. John Zubizarreta 荣誉项目 | Associate Professor of Biology

Bush Science Center | 238




Dr. 玛丽沼泽, Associate Professor of Biology, received a Bachelor of Science in biology from Converse College. 后, she obtained her PhD in biological sciences from Clemson University while studying the immune response of fish to parasites. Since joining the faculty at Columbia College in the fall of 2012, she has regularly taught introductory biology for majors and non-majors, human anatomy and physiology, 免疫学, 组织学, cell biology and parasitology, in addition to hybrid, 在线, and honors sections of the intro and cell biology courses. 

Her pedagogical interests include improving the scientific writing of students, as well as promoting active learning in the classroom through the use of the flipped classroom and case studies. 另外, in the last six years, she has served as a mentor to over 20 undergraduate research students, some of who have received grant funding and all of who presented unique projects at state and regional meetings.

In addition to her teaching and research duties, Dr. Marsh serves as a councilor for the South Carolina Academy of Science and on the steering committee of the Association of College and University Biology Educators.

奖 & Accomplishments

  • "Out of This World Teaching Idea” Award 2016, Association of College and University Biology Educators 60th Annual Meeting
  • South Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities Excellence in Teaching Award, 2015-2016
  • Columbia College Honors Student Association 教师 Member of the Year, 2014-2015
  • Columbia College 教师 Excellence Nominee, 2014-2015
  • Columbia College Students Choice Award Finalist, 2012-2013, 2014-2015, 2016-2017


  • Masloski, E and MB Marsh. 2018. Determining the First Intermediate Host to Parasites Glossocercus caribaensis and Cyclustera ibisae that are found in Fundulus heteroclitus in the North Inlet-Winyah Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve.
  • 马什MB. 2016. Who Killed Yew? Murder and Mitosis. National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science. http://sciencecases.自由.水牛.edu/cs/files/cytoskeleton_yew_flip.pdf
  • 马什MB and J Bonilla*. 2016. Who Killed Yew? Original Video to Support Case Study in a Flipped Classroom. National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v = o8wVJonsnJw&特点= youtu.be

What do you love about working at Columbia College?

I really love that we are a small campus, 因此, we can really get to know our students and watch them grow as women and as leaders.